About other Queensland Health initiatives

This page provides a summary of some of the strategic initiatives that are managed by Queensland Health.

Queensland Health has a number of strategies that focus on a range of areas to define relevant goals and align Queensland Health resources and activities to those goals. You can view the current list of strategies on the Queensland Health strategic plans page.

In addition to the services provided in each HHS and facility, there are also a number of highly specialised services provided a at statewide level. To find out more information about a particular health service, or view the list of services provided by Queensland Health, visit the Find a health service page.

Voluntary assisted dying

Voluntary assisted dying became available in Queensland on 1 January 2023. It gives eligible people diagnosed with a life-limiting condition, who are suffering intolerably and dying, an additional end-of-life choice by allowing them to choose the timing and circumstances of their death.

Voluntary assisted dying is instigated by a person’s voluntary request and follows a process of requests and assessments. A person must be assessed as eligible by two authorised medical practitioners.

Voluntary assisted dying is provided in Queensland by a network of public and private medical practitioners, nurse practitioners and registered nurses who have been authorised as providers by Queensland Health. These authorised practitioners are supported by QVAD Support and Pharmacy Service, a statewide service which provides advice and support to Queenslanders.

Voluntary assisted dying

For information about voluntary assisted dying, including how to support someone who is accessing it, visit the Queensland Health voluntary assisted dying website.

Voluntary Assisted Dying Review Board publications

Voluntary assisted dying in Queensland is overseen by the Voluntary Assisted Dying Review Board.  The Review Board publishes a range of data and reports about the operation of voluntary assisted dying in Queensland, available on the voluntary assisted dying review board publications website.

Sexual Assault Services

Queensland Health is committed to ensuring that every victim of sexual assault has access to timely and high-quality care, including forensic examination services, no matter where they live.

When a person presents to a Queensland Health facility disclosing sexual assault, they will be accepted into care and commenced on the most appropriate care pathway. Care pathways differ across Hospital and Health Services, in recognition of individual needs, locality, and models of care. Underlying all care pathways is an emphasis on providing compassionate and trauma-informed care that meets the individual needs of victims, which may include a Forensic Medical Examination.

See performance related to Sexual Assault Services

If you have been sexually assaulted recently or in the past and would like assistance, you can contact any of the following for support: